Most training plans for this distance involve running longer distances each week at an easy pace. It has been said that if all you do is long, slow distance you just become a long, slow racer. Training at your Lactate Threshold is needed to improve your race performance. As with the 5K, there is short- and long-distance interval work but short for the 10K is 400m up to 800m and long interval work includes distances from 1000m up to 2 miles. Tempo runs (a longer run at a pace close to your race pace) are included in your training. Hill training would be on a long, gradual incline.
It all starts with you contacting me so I can send you my Coaching Questionnaire. We would connect via personal meeting, Skype®, email, text message or voice telephone call to review the questionnaire and discuss your goal, from there I would create your training plan. Each week, we would connect to discuss how the training went and what might need to be changed for the upcoming week’s training. If you have questions or need some advice or guidance during the week, you can contact me.
“I am very happy with my results and felt that your training plan was great. I ended up with 3 new PRs since working with you and that was only over a short 4 month period of time!”
— Carie F., Coventry, CT, Marathoner
I cannot thank you enough for everything you have done for me over the last few years. You singlehandedly helped me achieve distances and paces I genuinely didn’t think were possible - and more importantly, you helped me approach my runs with an entirely new, positive mindset. I always liked running but you gave me a love of the sport that, with any luck, will last a lifetime and that I will be able to share with the next generation. Most of all, thank you for your friendship, cultural advice and excellent sense of humour. It’s been an absolute joy.”
— Chelsea P., Age 30, Australian in Washington, DC